Runs cTWAS fine-mapping for regions without LD (L = 1)
group_prior = NULL,
group_prior_var = NULL,
use_null_weight = TRUE,
get_susie_alpha = TRUE,
snps_only = FALSE,
ncore = 1,
verbose = FALSE,
logfile = NULL,
region_data to be finemapped
a vector of two prior inclusion probabilities for SNPs and genes. If NULL, it will use uniform prior inclusion probabilities.
a vector of two prior variances for SNPs and gene effects.
If NULL, it will set prior variance = 50 as the default in susie_rss
If TRUE, allow for a probability of no effect in susie
If TRUE, get susie alpha matrix from finemapping results.
If TRUE, use only SNPs in the region data.
The number of cores used to parallelize computation over regions
If TRUE, print detail messages
the log file, if NULL will print log info on screen
Additional arguments of susie_rss
a list with cTWAS finemapping results.