Diagnose LD mismatch using SuSiE RSS
p_diff_thresh = 5e-08,
LD_format = c("rds", "rdata", "mtx", "csv", "txt", "custom"),
LD_loader_fun = NULL,
snpinfo_loader_fun = NULL,
ncore = 1,
logfile = NULL
A vector of region IDs to run diagnosis
A data frame with two columns: "id", "A1", "A2", "z". giving the z scores for snps. "A1" is effect allele. "A2" is the other allele.
a data frame with filenames of LD matrices and SNP information for each of the regions.
integer, GWAS sample size.
numeric, p-value threshold for identifying problematic SNPs with significant difference between observed z-scores and estimated values
file format for LD matrix. If "custom", use a user defined
function to load LD matrix.
a user defined function to load LD matrix when LD_format = "custom"
a user defined function to load SNP information file, if SNP information files are not in standard cTWAS reference format.
integer, number of cores for parallel computing.
the log file, if NULL will print log info on screen
a list of problematic SNPs, flipped SNPs, and test statistics from susie's `kriging_rss` function