Estimates cTWAS parameters using EM
init_group_prior = NULL,
init_group_prior_var = NULL,
niter_prefit = 3,
niter = 30,
min_p_single_effect = 0.8,
use_null_weight = TRUE,
min_snps = 2,
min_genes = 1,
ncore = 1,
logfile = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
a list object indexing regions, variants and genes.
a vector of initial values of prior inclusion probabilities for SNPs and genes.
a vector of initial values of prior variances for SNPs and gene effects.
the number of iterations of the E-M algorithm to perform during the initial parameter estimation step
the number of iterations of the E-M algorithm to perform during the complete parameter estimation step
Regions with probability >= min_p_single_effect
of having at most one causal effect will be selected for the final EM step.
If TRUE, allow for a probability of no effect in susie
minimum number of SNPs in a region.
minimum number of genes in a region.
The number of cores used to parallelize computation over regions
The log filename. If NULL, print log info on screen.
If TRUE, print detail messages
Additional arguments of susie_rss
a list with estimated parameters