Run fine-mapping with SuSiE using summary statistics for one LD block
snp_info = NULL,
bigSNP = NULL,
n = NULL,
L = 1,
prior_weights = NULL,
estimate_residual_variance = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
save = FALSE,
A data frame of summary statistics
LD (correlation) matrix
Variant information for the LD matrix.
a bigsnpr
object attached via bigsnpr::snp_attach()
containing the reference genotype panel.
GWAS sample size (optional, but strongly recommended.)
Number of causal signals.
A vector of prior probability for each SNP
The default is FALSE, the residual variance is fixed to 1 or variance of y. If the in-sample LD matrix is provided, we recommend setting estimate_residual_variance = TRUE.
If TRUE, print progress
If TRUE, save SuSiE result and LD (R) matrix.
a list of SuSiE results, and z-scores and LD (R) matrix used in SuSiE