Run fine-mapping with SuSiE using summary statistics for all LD blocks with prior probabilities
A data frame of summary statistics
a bigsnpr
object attached via bigsnpr::snp_attach()
containing the reference genotype panel.
A data frame of region information, paths of LD matrices (R, correlation matrices), and paths of variant information files corresponding to the LD matrices.
The sample size (optional, but strongly recommended.)
prior type:
'torus' (use the 'torus_prior' in sumstats
'uniform' (uniform prior),
or 'custom' (use the values provided in prior_weights
A vector of prior probability for each SNP.
Number of causal signals. If L = 1, bigSNP or region_info are not required.
The default is FALSE,
the residual variance is fixed to 1 or variance of y.
If the in-sample LD matrix is provided,
we recommend setting estimate_residual_variance = TRUE
If TRUE, print progress.
If TRUE, save SuSiE result and LD (R) matrix for each locus.
Directory of SuSiE result
Filename of SuSiE result
A list of SuSiE results; one per LD block.