Prepares two files necessary for running TORUS: z-score file and annotation file.
torus_input_dir = "torus_input",
torus_annot_file = "torus_annotations.txt.gz",
torus_zscore_file = "torus_zscore.txt.gz"
A data frame of GWAS summary statistics, with required columns: "snp", "chr", "pos", "locus" and "zscore".
Path to annotation files in BED format. The bed file must have at least three columns: "chr", "start", "end". Chromosomes should be numeric (no "chr").
Directory to save TORUS input files.
Annotation file name (without path).
z-score file name (without path).
A list containing paths to the z-score file and annotation file.
if (FALSE) {
torus.files <- prepare_torus_input_files(sumstats, annotation_bed_files)