Chinese lunch box

Joy Delivery Service

There has long been a collaboration between CSSA (Chinese Students and Scholars Association) and Tangchao restaurant offering $7 lunch boxes at East lobby of GCIS building at noon. A while ago Tangchao closed their business. Now Joy Delivery service replaces Tangchao offering lunch boxes at the same time and location, and roughly the same price.

I put together several of their CSSA emails into information below.

How to order

Personal note: I always order the same day before 10AM via text. They mostly immediately reply your text to confirm. You then show up at 12PM with cash to get the food.

$7 per meal for lunch specials (cash only)
Location: 929 E 57th Street, outside of GCIS east lobby
Pick-up time: 12:00 – 2:00 pm (Monday à Friday)

How to make an order:
(1) Text to (773) 664 - 2110
Example: one L51 on 7/30 (Tuesday)
(2) Email to:
Example: one L23 on 8/30 (Friday)
(3) Online:

It's be nice to make an order by 8pm one day before
Emergent case: before 10:00am the same day (order by cellphone only)


Note: I mostly go for T200 combo — you’ve got to text them what to go into the combo.

- 普通分量:L (24oz)每份 $6
- 晚餐分量:D (32oz)每份 $8
- 特类饭盒:T(32oz)每份 $9
- T300: (choose 2 meat + 1 vegetable, or 1 meat + 2 vegetables)$9 
三拼饭:(可选2肉 + 1 蔬菜,或者1肉 + 2蔬菜)每份9块
- T200: (choose 1 meat + 1 vegetable, or 2 vegetables)$7 /each
双拼饭:(可选1肉 + 1 蔬菜,或者 2蔬菜)每份7块    
L12 Chicken Pad Siew (泰式鸡肉河粉)
L13 Chicken in Yellow Curry (泰式黄咖喱鸡肉饭)
L15 Chicken Basil Fried Rice (泰式鸡炒饭)
L45 Chicken Singapore noodle (鸡肉星洲米粉)
L51 Pork Katsu Don (日式猪排饭)
L52 Chicken Katsu Don (日式鸡排饭)
L61 麻婆豆腐饭
L62 干煸四季豆饭
L63 腊味小炒饭
L64 凉瓜鱼片饭
L65 粟米鱼片饭
L66 酸菜鱼片饭
L67 椒盐鱼片饭
L68 红烧班腩饭
L69 凉瓜牛肉饭
L70 番茄牛肉饭
L71 白菜牛肉饭
L72 牛腩萝卜饭
L73 葡国烩鸡饭
L74 凉瓜排骨饭
L75 梅菜扣肉饭
L76 京都猪扒饭
L77 洋葱猪扒饭
L78 椒盐猪扒饭
L79 白菜五花肉饭
L80 榨菜炒五花肉饭
L81 XO酱五花肉饭
L82 咸鱼鸡粒茄子饭
L83 黑椒猪扒饭
L84 莲藕猪手饭
L85 支竹鸭子饭
L86 蒙古牛肉饭
L87 葱爆炒牛肉饭
L88 菠萝咕噜肉饭
L89 鱼香茄子饭

特别类饭盒 (T)
T101  椒盐有头虾饭
T102  美极有头虾饭
T103  葱油鸡饭
T103  手撕鸡饭
T105  咖喱牛腩饭
T106  黑椒牛柳丝饭

T200/300 menu

肉类的选择有:(meat choices)
蜜汁叉烧(Roasted Pork in Honey Sauce)
红烧牛腩(Soy-Braised Beef Brisket)
四川牛肉(Szechuan Beef)(Hot)
孜然牛肉(Beef w/ Pure Cumin Powder)(Hot)
口水鸡(Never Forget Chicken)(Hot)
香辣子鸡(Hot & Spicy Chicken)(Hot)
干锅鸡(Chicken with Dry Hot Sauce)(Hot)
宫保鸡(Kung Pao Chicken)(Hot)
炸鸡翼(Fried Chicken Wing)
椒盐鱼片(Salt & Pepper Fish Fillet)
豉汁鱼片(Fish Fillet with Black Bean Sauce)
鱼香肉丝(Yu Shiang Pork)(Hot)
香干肉丝(Sliced Pork, Dry Beam w/ Chives)(Hot)
椒盐肉排(Salt & Pepper Pork Chop)(Hot)
蒜香肉排(Pork Chop w/ Garlic Sauce)
豉汁蒸排骨(Steamed Pork Ribs w/ Black Bean Sauce)

蔬菜的选择有: (Vegetable Choices)
麻婆豆腐(Mapo Tofu)(Hot)
红烧豆腐(Oyster Tofu)
鱼香茄子(Yu Shiang Eggplant)
蒜蓉大白菜(Garlic Sauce Chinese Cabbage)
蒜蓉包心菜(Garlic Chinese Cabbage)
清炒青江菜(Stir-Fry Spoon Cabbage)
耗油芥兰(Chinese Broccoli w/ Oyster Sauce)