JupyterLab + SoS Suite setup

Install miniconda3 the Python development environment

We recommend using miniconda over anaconda and customize your installation as needed after install this minimal version of conda. To install please follow instructions on this page. Please go for miniconda3.

After you successfully installed the latest version of miniconda3, please follow prompts below to setup a JupyterLab + SoS Suite environment for daily computing.

Jupyter Notebook kernels

Bash kernel

pip install bash_kernel --no-cache-dir
python -m bash_kernel.install

Markdown kernel

pip install markdown-kernel --no-cache-dir
python -m markdown_kernel.install 

R kernel

R --slave -e "install.packages('IRkernel'); IRkernel::installspec()"

A ipynb to docx converter

This will allow you to save ipynb file to a docx file for various purposes

pip install jupyter-docx-bundler --no-cache-dir
jupyter bundlerextension enable --py jupyter_docx_bundler --sys-prefix

nbdime to work with git

This will override the default git diff and display better the changes to IPython notebooks

pip install nbdime
nbdime config-git --enable --global

SoS Suite

pip install docker markdown wand graphviz imageio pillow nbformat jupyterlab feather-format --no-cache-dir
pip install sos sos-notebook sos-r sos-python sos-bash -U --no-cache-dir
python -m sos_notebook.install
jupyter labextension install transient-display-data
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-sos

If the last command fails and complains about missing nodejs you can use conda to install it,

conda install -c conda-forge nodejs

Install Docker

We use Docker a lot running various software that are hard to install. SoS also provides an interface to run Docker images.

To install Docker (tested on Linux but might work on Mac too – can someone confirm and fix?),

  • Run commands below:
curl -fsSL get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
sudo sh get-docker.sh
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  • Log out and log back in (no need to reboot computer)