Table of Contents

  1. Annotating VCF files
    1. ANNOVAR
      1. Figure out what annotations you want and download them
      2. Working with VCFs
    2. Running ANNOVAR

Annotating VCF files


ANNOVAR is a tool for functionally annotating genetic variants. The documentation for ANNOVAR is quite good, you can find it here. In this tutorial we’ll be working with data on the University of Chicago’s gardner cluster run by the CRI. You can learn more about gardner here. I’ll be assuming that the data is already in VCF(gz) format stored at /gpfs/data/xhe-lab/ncbi_2. And that if you got the data from db-GaP, that it’s been decrypted with vdb-decrypt. You can run vdb-decrypt using

module load gcc/6.2.0 
module load sra-tools
cd /gpfs/data/xhe-lab/ncbi_2/
vdb-decrypt dbGaP-12106 #or whatever directory

Also, please note that ANNOVAR has a very inefficient method for storing data (large uncompressed plain-text files), so please use the already installed version at /gpfs/data/xhe-lab/software/annovar/

Figure out what annotations you want and download them

Let’s start with a peek at what’s already downloaded (so that we don’t have to download it again).

cd /gpfs/data/xhe-lab/software/annovar
find humandb -name "*txt"

You can read more about these annotations in the documentation. (Check out the “Filter” based annotations for variant-level annotation)

From the documentation:

dbnsfp30a: this dataset already includes SIFT, PolyPhen2 HDIV, PolyPhen2 HVAR, LRT, MutationTaster, MutationAssessor, FATHMM, MetaSVM, MetaLR, VEST, CADD, GERP++, DANN, fitCons, PhyloP and SiPhy scores, but ONLY on coding variants

If we wanted to download it again, this is the command we would use:

cd /gpfs/data/xhe-lab/software/annovar/ -downdb -webfrom annovar -buildver hg19 dbnsfp30a humandb/

Working with VCFs

Again, ANNOVAR has extensive documentation about working with VCF files, which you can find here. The script can directly support working with VCFs, but because our data is quite large, we might want to preprocess it first

  1. Get VCF files

    Starting with a list of vcf files:

    find /gpfs/data/xhe-lab -name "*vcf*gz"

    Within those files, let’s find the “genotype” files

    find . -name "*tar.gz" | egrep 'genotype-calls' | grep 'grc37'

    We can then extract these files using something like this to extract all tar files that we believe contain vcfs:

    for i in `find . -name "*tar.gz" | egrep 'genotype-calls' | grep 'grc37'`;
        tar -C $(dirname "${i}") -xvzf "${i}";
  2. Prepping VCFs for ANNOVAR

    I’m going to focus on the file ./dbGaP-23177/73416/PhenoGenotypeFiles/RootStudyConsentSet_phs000298.Autism_HighSeq.v4.p3.c1.DS-ASD/GenotypeFiles/c1/grc37/c1_Autism_BCM_hg19.vcf.gz . Something to note as you organize the data is that it appears that there are VCF files with different reference genomes(note the grc37 vs grc36 and hg19 vs hg18). You can learn more about that here. You DO NOT want to merge data with different reference genomes.

  3. Removing individual level data

    To annotate we do not need the individual level genotypes, and ANNOVAR is not smart enough to ignore them, so we have to remove them ourselves.

    module load gcc/6.2.0
    module load htslib/1.10.2
    module load bcftools/1.10.2
    cd /gpfs/data/xhe-lab/ncbi_2/dbGaP-23177/PhenoGenotypeFiles/RootStudyConsentSet_phs000298.Autism_HighSeq.v4.p3.c3.DS-AOND-MDS/GenotypeFiles/c3
    bcftools view -G c3_asc_phs000298_exomes.vcf.gz -Oz -o /gpfs/data/xhe-lab/ncbi_2/c3_asc_phs000298_exomes.vcf.gz


To get the annotations refGene,cytoBand,exac03,avsnp147,dbnsfp30a,cadd with a vcf input, run the command. Note how the operation flag requires g, r, or f for gene, region and filter (variant) level annotation matching the protocol argument.

qsub -I -l walltime=12:00:00 -l nodes=1:ppn=1 -l mem=32gb #DO NOT RUN ANNOVAR FROM THE HEAD NODE!
cd /gpfs/data/xhe-lab/ncbi_2/
gunzip c3_asc_phs000298_exomes.vcf.gz
/gpfs/data/xhe-lab/software/annovar/ c3_asc_phs000298_exomes.vcf /gpfs/data/xhe-lab/software/annovar/humandb/ -buildver hg19 -out myanno -remove -protocol refGene,cytoBand,exac03,avsnp147,dbnsfp30a -operation g,r,f,f,f -nastring . -vcfinput -polish
rm c3_asc_phs000298_exomes.vcf