Enrichment analysis for m6A peak with

Fisher Exact test for m6A peak and RBP binding sites / microRNA.

Data on cloud drive

In [1]:
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
from pybedtools import BedTool
from collections import Counter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
from fisher import pvalue
import pickle
import os
In [2]:
path = os.path.expanduser("~/Documents/m6A/")
input_m6A_peak = f"{path}/Data/metApeakFisher/unmerged_peaks_metApeak.bed"
input_m6A_peak_merged = f"{path}/Data/metApeakFisher/joint_merged_peaks_counts.xlsx"
input_m6A_nonpeak = f"{path}/Data/metApeakFisher/unmerged_nonpeaks_metApeak.bed"
input_RBP = f"{path}/Data/all.RBP.intersect.hg19.bed"
input_intersect_peak = f"{path}/Data/metApeakFisher/peak.intersect.RBP.bed"
input_intersect_nonpeak = f"{path}/Data/metApeakFisher/nonpeak.intersect.RBP.bed"
input_intersect_peak_merged = f"{path}/Data/metApeakFisher/peak.merged.intersect.RBP.bed"
output_m6A_peak_merged = f"{path}/Data/metApeakFisher/joint_merged_peaks_counts.bed"
output_RBP_fisher = f"{path}/output/output_RBP_fisher.pkl"
# microRNA
input_miRNA = f"{path}/Data/miRNA_target_in_YRI_LCLs.bed"
output_miRNA = f"{path}/Data/miRNA.bed"
input_intersect_peak_miRNA = f"{path}/Data/metApeakFisher/peak.intersect.miRNA.bed"
input_intersect_peak_merged_miRNA = f"{path}/Data/metApeakFisher/peak.merged.intersect.miRNA.bed"
input_intersect_nonpeak_miRNA = f"{path}/Data/metApeakFisher/nonpeak.intersect.miRNA.bed"
output_miRNA_fisher = f"{path}/output/output_miRNA_fisher.pkl"
In [3]:
def save_data(data, filename):
    pickle.dump(data, open(filename, "wb"))
In [4]:
p = 0.05

Step 1: Data preprocess

Prepare and export bed file; load m6A peak/nonpeak and RBP binding datasets; check data quality before using.

Prepare m6A peak/nonpeak data.

Export merged m6A peaks bed file

  • In order to use bedtools to obtain intersection of RBP and m6A peak, first we need to convert the original merged m6A peak, which is an excel, to bed file, then export.

  • Only need to do it once. bed file must be tab separated, false index, column "chr" rename to "# chr".

In [5]:
m6A_peaks_merged = pd.read_excel(input_m6A_peak_merged, usecols = [0,1,2,3,4,5])
m6A_peaks_merged = m6A_peaks_merged.rename(columns = {"chr": "# chr"})
m6A_peaks_merged.to_csv(output_m6A_peak_merged, index = False, sep = "\t")

Load unmerged m6A peaks and unmerged nonpeaks

In [7]:
m6A_peaks = pd.read_table(input_m6A_peak, header = 0)
m6A_peaks = m6A_peaks.sort_values(by = ["# chr", "chromStart"])
m6A_peaks = m6A_peaks.rename(columns = {"# chr": "chr"})
# m6A_peaks = m6A_peaks[m6A_peaks["score"] < 0.05]
In [8]:
m6A_nonpeaks = pd.read_table(input_m6A_nonpeak, header = 0)
m6A_nonpeaks = m6A_nonpeaks.sort_values(by = ["# chr", "chromStart"])
m6A_nonpeaks = m6A_nonpeaks.rename(columns = {"# chr": "chr"})
# m6A_nonpeaks = m6A_nonpeaks.iloc[:10000, :]
In [9]:
print (m6A_peaks.shape, m6A_peaks_merged.shape, m6A_nonpeaks.shape)
(184390, 12) (27795, 6) (282904, 12)

Prepare and filter RBP binding sites by widths

Load RBP binding sites and remove RBP binding sites less than 200 bps, then display all RBPs after it.

In [10]:
RBP_binding_sites = pd.read_table(input_RBP, sep="\t", header = None, 
                                  names = ["chr", "start", "end", "RBP", "peak_width", "strand"])
RBP_binding_sites = RBP_binding_sites[RBP_binding_sites["peak_width"] <= 200]
RBP_name = set(RBP_binding_sites["RBP"])
RBP_name = list(RBP_name)
print (set(RBP_binding_sites["RBP"]))
{'FKBP4', 'NSUN2', 'HNRNPC', 'TIAL1', 'TRA2A', 'IGF2BP1', 'SF3A3', 'UPF1', 'TROVE2', 'FASTKD2', 'KHDRBS1', 'EIF4G1', 'RBM5', 'TBRG4', 'FUS', 'NONO', 'SMNDC1', 'SAFB2', 'SUB1', 'PPIL4', 'LARP4', 'DHX30', 'NCBP2', 'SLTM', 'SUGP2', 'DDX55', 'HNRNPA1', 'SRSF7', 'PUS1', 'DDX24', 'LSM11', 'KHSRP', 'HLTF', 'GEMIN5', 'LIN28B', 'EFTUD2', 'IGF2BP2', 'ILF3', 'RBFOX2', 'PCBP2', 'ZRANB2', 'FXR2', 'ZNF622', 'GTF2F1', 'TNRC6A', 'EIF4G2', 'DDX42', 'FTO', 'HNRNPK', 'DGCR8', 'XPO5', 'GRSF1', 'SFPQ', 'SUPV3L1', 'YWHAG', 'EXOSC5', 'POLR2G', 'SF3B4', 'QKI', 'CPSF6', 'DDX6', 'SLBP', 'DDX59', 'FUBP1', 'U2AF2', 'AUH', 'SRSF9', 'GPKOW', 'GRWD1', 'XRCC6', 'RPS5', 'CSTF2', 'LARP7', 'FMR1', 'NOL12', 'DDX3X', 'TIA1', 'PRPF8', 'SERBP1', 'XRN2', 'BUD13', 'EWSR1', 'FUBP3', 'FAM120A', 'BCCIP', 'SBDS', 'TAF15', 'SF3B1', 'NOLC1', 'NKRF', 'HNRNPM', 'RBM27', 'IGF2BP3', 'SND1', 'HNRNPU', 'DROSHA', 'EIF3D', 'RPS3', 'PPIG', 'FXR1', 'PUM2', 'EIF3H', 'METAP2', 'DKC1', 'U2AF1', 'RBM22', 'UCHL5', 'NPM1', 'RPS11', 'CDC40', 'TARDBP', 'SRSF1', 'RBM15', 'MTPAP', 'HNRNPUL1', 'PTBP1', 'AKAP8L', 'YBX3', 'GNL3', 'AGGF1', 'CSTF2T'}

Display histogram of RBP binding sites widths.

Binding widths concentrate around 30 bps.

In [11]:
peak_width = RBP_binding_sites["peak_width"].tolist()
plt.hist(peak_width, bins = 20)  # arguments are passed to np.histogram
plt.title("Histogram of RBP binding sites peak width")

Step 2: Obtain intersection of m6A peak and RBP

For merged/unmerged m6A peak and unmerged nonpeak, obtain their intersections with RBP binding sites respectively.

Use bedtools in bash under the depository ~/Documents/m6A/Data/metApeakFisher.

Unmerged m6A peak/nonpeak

First Sort each m6A peak/nonpeak bed file.

sort -k1,1 -k2,2n unmerged_peaks_metApeak.bed > peaks.bed
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n unmerged_nonpeaks_metApeak.bed > nonpeaks.bed

Then use bedtools to obtain intersection of m6A and RBP.

bedtools intersect -a ../all.RBP.intersect.hg19.bed -b peaks.bed -s > peak.intersect.RBP.bed
bedtools intersect -a ../all.RBP.intersect.hg19.bed -b nonpeaks.bed -s > nonpeak.intersect.RBP.bed

Merged m6A peak

Since we do not have merged m6A nonpeak data, we use unmerged nonpeak instead (already sort and get intersection above).

sort -k1,1 -k2,2n joint_merged_peaks_counts.bed > peaks.merged.bed
bedtools intersect -a ../all.RBP.intersect.hg19.bed -b peaks.merged.bed -s > peak.merged.intersect.RBP.bed

Step 3: Enrichment analysis for m6A and RBP

Perform Fisher's exact test for each RBP binding site.

For each RBP, we need to obtain the four following numbers before Fisher's test:

  1. its number of intersections with m6A peaks
  2. the total number of intersections for all RBPs with m6A peaks minus (1)
  3. its number of intersections with m6A nonpeaks
  4. the total number of intersections for all RBPs with m6A nonpeaks minus (3)
In [12]:
def read_intersect(fn, head = None, cols = ["chr", "chromStart", "chromEnd", "name", "inter_width", "strand"]):
    return pd.read_table(fn, header = head, names = cols)
In [13]:
def get_fisher(peak_fn, nonpeak_fn, peak_merge = False, cols = ['name', 'n_inter_peak', 'n_inter_nonpeak', 
                                                                'n_nointer_peak', 'n_nointer_nonpeak', 
                                                                'fisher_p', 'odds_ratio']):
    peaks_intersect = read_intersect(peak_fn)
    peaks_intersect["peak"] = 1
    nonpeaks_intersect = read_intersect(nonpeak_fn)
    nonpeaks_intersect["peak"] = 0
    intersect = peaks_intersect.append(nonpeaks_intersect)
    fisher_stats = pd.DataFrame(columns = cols)
    idx = 0
    sum_inter_peak = peaks_intersect.shape[0]
    sum_inter_nonpeak = nonpeaks_intersect.shape[0]
    for RBP in list(set(intersect["name"])):
        fisher_stats.loc[idx, 'name'] = RBP
        n_inter_peak = intersect[(intersect["name"] == RBP) & (intersect["peak"] == 1)].shape[0]
        n_inter_nonpeak = intersect[(intersect["name"] == RBP) & (intersect["peak"] == 0)].shape[0]
        n_nointer_peak = sum_inter_peak - n_inter_peak
        n_nointer_nonpeak = sum_inter_nonpeak - n_inter_nonpeak
        fisher_stats.loc[idx, 'n_inter_peak'] = n_inter_peak
        fisher_stats.loc[idx, 'n_inter_nonpeak'] = n_inter_nonpeak
        fisher_stats.loc[idx, 'n_nointer_peak'] = n_nointer_peak
        fisher_stats.loc[idx, 'n_nointer_nonpeak'] = n_nointer_nonpeak
        fisher_stats.loc[idx, 'fisher_p'] = stats.fisher_exact([[n_inter_peak, n_inter_nonpeak], 
                                                                [n_nointer_peak, n_nointer_nonpeak]])[1]
        fisher_stats.loc[idx, 'odds_ratio'] = stats.fisher_exact([[n_inter_peak, n_inter_nonpeak], 
                                                                  [n_nointer_peak, n_nointer_nonpeak]])[0]
        idx += 1
    fisher_stats = fisher_stats.sort_values(by = ["odds_ratio"], ascending = False)
    fisher_stats = fisher_stats.set_index([[i for i in range(fisher_stats.shape[0])]])
    return fisher_stats
In [ ]:
fn1 = input_intersect_peak_merged
fn2 = input_intersect_nonpeak
fn3 = input_intersect_peak
fisher_peak_merge = get_fisher(peak_fn = fn1, nonpeak_fn = fn2)
fisher_peak_unmerge = get_fisher(peak_fn = fn3, nonpeak_fn = fn2)
In [ ]:
save_data(fisher_peak_merge, output_RBP_fisher)

potential m6A binding proteins

Check the test statistics for potential m6A binding proteins (RBPs contain keywords "YTHDF", "HNRNP", "FMRP", "IGF2BP" or "G3BP").

There are no RBPs that contains keywords "YTHDF" or "G3BP". Only "HNRNP", "FMR1" and "IGF2BP" are found, including 'IGF2BP3', 'HNRNPUL1', 'HNRNPA1', 'HNRNPM', 'IGF2BP1', 'FMR1', 'HNRNPK', 'HNRNPU', 'IGF2BP2', 'HNRNPC'.

In [ ]:
RBP_potential = ["YTHDF", "HNRNP", "FMR1", "IGF2BP", "G3BP"]
RBP_names = fisher_peak_merge["name"].tolist()
RBPs_potential = list()
for RBP in RBP_names:
    tmp = [RBP for item in RBP_potential if RBP.find(item) == 0]
print (RBPs_potential)

Fisher test statistics of RBP binding sites with merged m6A peaks and unmerged nonpeaks

In [15]:
name n_inter_peak n_inter_nonpeak n_nointer_peak n_nointer_nonpeak fisher_p odds_ratio
0 RBM15 5300 1565 859486 740576 0 2.91805
1 NCBP2 3198 1000 861588 741141 1.07934e-197 2.75093
2 DDX3X 5296 1726 859490 740415 4.69948e-307 2.64327
3 IGF2BP3 3947 1522 860839 740619 6.24384e-171 2.23113
4 FASTKD2 1647 717 863139 741424 1.04665e-55 1.97315
5 TRA2A 2553 1128 862233 741013 1.6042e-82 1.9451
6 DDX6 1416 631 863370 741510 1.68964e-45 1.92732
7 SLTM 1849 844 862937 741297 1.74622e-55 1.88195
8 FUS 103 47 864683 742094 0.000285908 1.88079
9 XRN2 2668 1239 862118 740902 7.36408e-76 1.85058
10 GTF2F1 3287 1587 861499 740554 1.67532e-83 1.78043
11 AUH 727 352 864059 741789 1.62622e-19 1.77308
12 RPS3 2794 1357 861992 740784 4.86427e-70 1.76944
13 FTO 9947 4991 854839 737150 1.57643e-222 1.71861
14 XRCC6 1259 638 863527 741503 1.32775e-28 1.6945
15 CSTF2T 7615 3889 857171 738252 5.34264e-161 1.68643
16 AGGF1 2042 1043 862744 741098 2.98371e-44 1.68176
17 LARP4 2150 1120 862636 741021 1.3017e-43 1.64901
18 GNL3 1761 919 863025 741222 8.65675e-36 1.64577
19 GEMIN5 7678 4023 857108 738118 9.47816e-149 1.64357
20 SF3B1 793 417 863993 741724 1.49165e-16 1.63256
21 DHX30 977 515 863809 741626 6.71227e-20 1.62875
22 NPM1 1186 626 863600 741515 1.01599e-23 1.62674
23 EIF4G2 7573 4052 857213 738089 3.40683e-136 1.60923
24 TAF15 3176 1724 861610 740417 5.46274e-55 1.5831
25 RPS11 1331 722 863455 741419 5.6842e-24 1.58294
26 PUS1 1279 697 863507 741444 9.74492e-23 1.57562
27 TROVE2 1463 810 863323 741331 2.35286e-24 1.55095
28 SBDS 904 503 863882 741638 2.41226e-15 1.5429
29 DDX55 2938 1652 861848 740489 1.94084e-44 1.52802
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
91 EXOSC5 9195 8298 855591 733843 0.000862 0.950419
92 RBM5 9435 8786 855351 733355 3.19693e-08 0.920705
93 EIF3D 22700 21119 842086 721022 1.17135e-17 0.920332
94 QKI 1623 1520 863163 740621 0.014865 0.916174
95 HLTF 18436 17506 846350 724635 3.45548e-22 0.901673
96 TIAL1 42 40 864744 742101 0.658878 0.901083
97 FXR1 12490 11932 852296 730209 3.31614e-17 0.896821
98 PCBP2 11414 10906 853372 731235 7.21701e-16 0.89679
99 HNRNPC 46750 44553 818036 697588 1.18857e-59 0.894811
100 XPO5 6062 5942 858724 736199 2.91844e-13 0.874631
101 KHDRBS1 21517 21217 843269 720924 6.617e-48 0.867004
102 CDC40 7425 7388 857361 734753 1.62549e-19 0.861286
103 SF3B4 2305 2311 862481 739830 1.2918e-07 0.855566
104 PRPF8 5027 5043 859759 737098 4.03648e-15 0.854611
105 ZNF622 22427 24153 842359 717988 2.04775e-136 0.791444
106 YBX3 27253 29418 837533 712723 5.80611e-170 0.788352
107 UPF1 8465 9304 856321 732837 1.06343e-61 0.778624
108 SUGP2 23559 25959 841227 716182 2.07621e-175 0.772643
109 DKC1 1918 2143 862868 739998 4.08436e-17 0.76756
110 SF3A3 4154 4644 860632 737497 1.95989e-35 0.766509
111 CSTF2 17008 19191 847778 722950 1.13134e-152 0.755756
112 PUM2 4313 4903 860473 737238 1.24561e-41 0.753682
113 U2AF2 8097 9445 856689 732696 1.23953e-92 0.733201
114 KHSRP 32303 37768 832483 704373 0 0.723679
115 FUBP1 74 90 864712 742051 0.0281373 0.705588
116 GRWD1 28922 35260 835864 706881 0 0.693676
117 LARP7 124 158 864662 741983 0.000994636 0.673461
118 DDX24 7999 10639 856787 731502 2.36556e-197 0.641915
119 PPIG 19728 27323 845058 714818 0 0.61075
120 FUBP3 2120 3833 862666 738308 8.89299e-176 0.47336

121 rows × 7 columns

In [17]:
res = pd.read_pickle(output_RBP_fisher)
output_RBP_fisher_excel = f"{path}/output/output_RBP_fisher.xlsx"
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output_RBP_fisher_excel)

Test statistics of potential m6A binding proteins (merged m6A peaks and unmerged nonpeaks)

In [16]:
name n_inter_peak n_inter_nonpeak n_nointer_peak n_nointer_nonpeak fisher_p odds_ratio
3 IGF2BP3 3947 1522 860839 740619 6.24384e-171 2.23113
39 HNRNPUL1 1359 834 863427 741307 1.26388e-14 1.39903
40 HNRNPA1 6224 3837 858562 738304 5.5737e-60 1.39489
43 HNRNPM 5988 3742 858798 738399 1.19999e-53 1.37587
46 IGF2BP1 4282 2848 860504 739293 2.11425e-26 1.29173
48 FMR1 12088 8075 852698 734066 9.05598e-70 1.2887
55 HNRNPK 3247 2228 861539 739913 2.79703e-16 1.25162
56 HNRNPU 5687 3948 859099 738193 5.79733e-25 1.23775
71 IGF2BP2 15260 11806 849526 730335 1.32338e-17 1.11121
99 HNRNPC 46750 44553 818036 697588 1.18857e-59 0.894811

Test statistics of potential m6A binding proteins (unmerged m6A peaks and unmerged nonpeaks)

In [17]:
name n_inter_peak n_inter_nonpeak n_nointer_peak n_nointer_nonpeak fisher_p odds_ratio
8 IGF2BP3 4586 1522 1148761 740619 2.16158e-122 1.94261
34 FMR1 18832 8075 1134515 734066 1.76903e-217 1.50896
41 IGF2BP1 6264 2848 1147083 739293 1.5377e-55 1.41753
46 IGF2BP2 24619 11806 1128728 730335 9.28274e-160 1.34927
51 HNRNPUL1 1626 834 1151721 741307 7.53018e-08 1.25489
59 HNRNPA1 7037 3837 1146310 738304 8.12827e-17 1.18121
65 HNRNPK 3923 2228 1149424 739913 2.16906e-06 1.13345
73 HNRNPM 6148 3742 1147199 738399 0.00724526 1.0575
78 HNRNPU 6215 3948 1147132 738193 0.527598 1.01303
115 HNRNPC 47454 44553 1105893 697588 0 0.671865

Step 4: Enrichment analysis for m6A and miRNA

Perform Fisher's exact test for each microRNA.

In [18]:
miRNA = pd.read_table(input_miRNA, header = 0, usecols = [0,1,2,3,5,10,11,12])
miRNA["name_gene"] = miRNA.apply(lambda row: row["name"].split(":")[0], axis = 1)

There are 55 microRNAs included in dataset.

Binding sites in one block are not always single. For example, "6,1" and "2,5" also exists in "blockSize".

In [19]:
print (Counter(miRNA["miRNA"]), "\n", len(set(miRNA["miRNA"])))
print (Counter(miRNA["blockSize"]))
Counter({'hsa-miR-330-3p': 2310, 'hsa-miR-17-5p': 1693, 'hsa-miR-340-5p': 1670, 'hsa-miR-182-5p': 1618, 'hsa-miR-183-5p': 1482, 'hsa-miR-140-3p': 1319, 'hsa-miR-25-3p': 1209, 'hsa-miR-186-5p': 1146, 'hsa-miR-142-3p': 1105, 'hsa-miR-141-3p': 1066, 'hsa-miR-142-5p': 1065, 'hsa-miR-505-3p': 743, 'hsa-miR-582-5p': 737, 'hsa-miR-22-3p': 709, 'hsa-miR-155-5p': 624, 'hsa-miR-143-3p': 563, 'hsa-miR-221-3p': 563, 'hsa-miR-132-3p': 553, 'hsa-miR-212-5p': 506, 'hsa-miR-140-5p': 466, 'hsa-miR-223-3p': 449, 'hsa-miR-185-5p': 445, 'hsa-miR-21-5p': 435, 'hsa-miR-150-5p': 402, 'hsa-miR-532-3p': 390, 'hsa-miR-542-3p': 390, 'hsa-miR-874-3p': 366, 'hsa-miR-342-3p': 354, 'hsa-miR-361-5p': 325, 'hsa-miR-335-5p': 322, 'hsa-miR-425-5p': 311, 'hsa-miR-331-3p': 283, 'hsa-miR-532-5p': 270, 'hsa-miR-28-5p': 269, 'hsa-miR-423-5p': 269, 'hsa-miR-192-5p': 240, 'hsa-miR-296-5p': 230, 'hsa-miR-328-3p': 228, 'hsa-miR-339-5p': 225, 'hsa-miR-501-3p': 225, 'hsa-miR-491-5p': 209, 'hsa-miR-362-5p': 202, 'hsa-miR-486-5p': 192, 'hsa-miR-324-5p': 161, 'hsa-miR-877-5p': 145, 'hsa-miR-28-3p': 137, 'hsa-miR-296-3p': 83, 'hsa-miR-191-5p': 67, 'hsa-miR-744-5p': 63, 'hsa-miR-210-3p': 51, 'hsa-miR-127-3p': 27, 'hsa-miR-615-3p': 22, 'hsa-miR-652-3p': 21, 'hsa-miR-423-3p': 21, 'hsa-miR-1249-3p': 17}) 
Counter({'7': 19242, '8': 9695, '6,1': 10, '1,6': 7, '2,5': 6, '2,6': 5, '3,5': 5, '4,3': 5, '3,4': 5, '5,2': 4, '5,3': 3, '6,2': 2, '7,1': 2, '1,7': 1, '4,4': 1})

microRNA blockCount can be 1 or 2. If blockCount is 2, blockSize and blockStarts contain two numbers, binding sites in one block are not continuous.

For rows whose blockCount is 2, split the row into two rows according to blockSize and blockStarts.

  1. For rows with 2-blockstart sites, split blockSize and blockStarts into two rows.
  2. "start": original start + interval betweem two blockstart sites
  3. "end": start from last step + blockSize
In [20]:
# separate the blocks with multiple blockSize
cols_miRNA = ["chr", "start", "end", "miRNA", "blockSize", "strand"]
single_block_miRNA = miRNA[miRNA["blockSize"].isin(["7", "8"])][cols_miRNA]
multi_block_miRNA = miRNA[~miRNA["blockSize"].isin(["7", "8"])]
In [21]:
tmp_col = ['chr', 'start', 'end', 'name', 'strand', 'miRNA', 'name_gene']
tmp_miRNA = pd.DataFrame(columns = tmp_col + ["blockSize", "interval"])
i = 0
for index, row in multi_block_miRNA.iterrows():
    if len(row["blockSize"].split(",")) != len(row["blockStarts"].split(",")):
        print ("The length of 'blockSize' and 'blockStarts' are different")
        for num in range(len(row["blockSize"].split(","))):
            tmp1 = [int(row["blockSize"].split(",")[num]), int(row["blockStarts"].split(",")[num])]
            tmp = row[tmp_col].tolist()
            tmp_miRNA.loc[i] = tmp
            i += 1
In [22]:
tmp_miRNA["start"] = tmp_miRNA.apply(lambda row: row["start"] + row["interval"], axis = 1)
tmp_miRNA["end"] = tmp_miRNA.apply(lambda row: row["start"] + row["blockSize"], axis = 1)

An example of splitting a row with two blockSize/blockStarts into two rows.

In [23]:
tmp_miRNA[tmp_miRNA["name_gene"] == "NRD1"]
chr start end name strand miRNA name_gene blockSize interval
4 chr1 52260280 52260282 NRD1:miR-505-3p.1 - hsa-miR-505-3p NRD1 2 0
5 chr1 52260494 52260500 NRD1:miR-505-3p.1 - hsa-miR-505-3p NRD1 6 214
In [24]:
single_block_miRNA = single_block_miRNA.append(tmp_miRNA[cols_miRNA])

Export bed file of unique block start and end in each row

In [25]:
cols_sortby = ["miRNA", "chr", "start"]
single_block_miRNA.sort_values(by = cols_sortby).to_csv(output_miRNA, index = False, header = False, sep = "\t")

Obtain intersection of m6A peak and miRNA

Use bedtools to obtain intersect of peak/nonpeak with miRNA under the folder ~/Documents/m6A/Data/metApeakFisher

bedtools intersect -a ../miRNA.bed -b peaks.bed -s > peak.intersect.miRNA.bed
bedtools intersect -a ../miRNA.bed -b peaks.merged.bed -s > peak.merged.intersect.miRNA.bed
bedtools intersect -a ../miRNA.bed -b nonpeaks.bed -s > nonpeak.intersect.miRNA.bed

Load data of intersections of m6A peak and miRNA.

In [26]:
fn4 = input_intersect_peak_miRNA
fn5 = input_intersect_nonpeak_miRNA
fn6 = input_intersect_peak_merged_miRNA
fisher_peak_merge_miRNA = get_fisher(peak_fn = fn4, nonpeak_fn = fn5)
fisher_peak_unmerge_miRNA = get_fisher(peak_fn = fn6, nonpeak_fn = fn5)
In [27]:
save_data(fisher_peak_merge_miRNA.sort_values(by =["odds_ratio"], ascending = False), output_miRNA_fisher)
fisher_peak_merge_miRNA.sort_values(by =["odds_ratio"], ascending = False)
name n_inter_peak n_inter_nonpeak n_nointer_peak n_nointer_nonpeak fisher_p odds_ratio
0 hsa-miR-615-3p 6 1 4103 5579 0.0468574 8.15842
1 hsa-miR-423-3p 14 3 4095 5577 0.000993382 6.35556
2 hsa-miR-210-3p 12 3 4097 5577 0.00652049 5.44496
3 hsa-miR-127-3p 8 2 4101 5578 0.0223117 5.44062
4 hsa-miR-1249-3p 7 2 4102 5578 0.0422105 4.75939
5 hsa-miR-423-5p 58 37 4051 5543 0.000337447 2.14491
6 hsa-miR-212-5p 116 78 3993 5502 1.02772e-06 2.0492
7 hsa-miR-296-5p 63 43 4046 5537 0.000488117 2.00503
8 hsa-miR-328-3p 53 38 4056 5542 0.00268099 1.90573
9 hsa-miR-331-3p 52 40 4057 5540 0.0077257 1.7752
10 hsa-miR-491-5p 40 32 4069 5548 0.0305094 1.70435
11 hsa-miR-223-3p 101 82 4008 5498 0.000489454 1.6896
12 hsa-miR-140-3p 256 212 3853 5368 5.24253e-08 1.68235
13 hsa-miR-362-5p 38 33 4071 5547 0.0699765 1.56901
14 hsa-miR-143-3p 102 95 4007 5485 0.00859482 1.46972
15 hsa-miR-140-5p 94 88 4015 5492 0.0123344 1.46113
16 hsa-miR-132-3p 116 111 3993 5469 0.00798643 1.43134
17 hsa-miR-296-3p 11 11 4098 5569 0.520588 1.35896
18 hsa-miR-652-3p 4 4 4105 5576 0.729295 1.35834
19 hsa-miR-183-5p 232 240 3877 5340 0.00260642 1.33144
20 hsa-miR-532-3p 78 81 4031 5499 0.0897683 1.31365
21 hsa-miR-150-5p 64 67 4045 5513 0.154165 1.30189
22 hsa-miR-877-5p 22 23 4087 5557 0.450045 1.30056
23 hsa-miR-335-5p 51 55 4058 5525 0.237113 1.26249
24 hsa-miR-22-3p 131 143 3978 5437 0.0720579 1.25207
25 hsa-miR-142-3p 187 209 3922 5371 0.0486534 1.2253
26 hsa-miR-505-3p 105 117 4004 5463 0.149024 1.22445
27 hsa-miR-486-5p 28 32 4081 5548 0.514766 1.18954
28 hsa-miR-182-5p 223 262 3886 5318 0.108978 1.16479
29 hsa-miR-28-5p 38 45 4071 5535 0.577475 1.14812
30 hsa-miR-324-5p 27 32 4082 5548 0.600092 1.14677
31 hsa-miR-339-5p 36 43 4073 5537 0.569823 1.13814
32 hsa-miR-342-3p 48 58 4061 5522 0.554605 1.12532
33 hsa-miR-542-3p 53 72 4056 5508 1 0.99963
34 hsa-miR-874-3p 77 105 4032 5475 1 0.995784
35 hsa-miR-192-5p 30 42 4079 5538 1 0.969776
36 hsa-miR-744-5p 9 13 4100 5567 1 0.940019
37 hsa-miR-21-5p 52 76 4057 5504 0.719276 0.928246
38 hsa-miR-582-5p 82 120 4027 5460 0.615241 0.926496
39 hsa-miR-532-5p 34 53 4075 5527 0.586376 0.870091
40 hsa-miR-17-5p 231 370 3878 5210 0.045127 0.838765
41 hsa-miR-25-3p 134 216 3975 5364 0.122884 0.837149
42 hsa-miR-185-5p 63 107 4046 5473 0.159519 0.796446
43 hsa-miR-155-5p 68 116 4041 5464 0.132847 0.792634
44 hsa-miR-425-5p 38 66 4071 5514 0.232881 0.77984
45 hsa-miR-361-5p 34 60 4075 5520 0.248864 0.767607
46 hsa-miR-501-3p 23 42 4086 5538 0.260332 0.742221
47 hsa-miR-191-5p 9 18 4100 5562 0.436353 0.678293
48 hsa-miR-28-3p 15 30 4094 5550 0.230448 0.677821
49 hsa-miR-142-5p 100 206 4009 5374 0.000505664 0.65072
50 hsa-miR-221-3p 55 114 4054 5466 0.00941775 0.650495
51 hsa-miR-141-3p 116 239 3993 5341 0.000153408 0.649207
52 hsa-miR-340-5p 138 317 3971 5263 6.14614e-08 0.57697
53 hsa-miR-330-3p 241 589 3868 4991 1.28562e-16 0.527962
54 hsa-miR-186-5p 86 287 4023 5293 1.81417e-15 0.394247

Fisher test statistics of microRNA binding sites with merged m6A peaks and unmerged nonpeaks

Select those miRNA with p-value less than 0.05.

In [28]:
fisher_peak_merge_miRNA[fisher_peak_merge_miRNA["fisher_p"] < p].sort_values(by = ["odds_ratio"], ascending = False)
name n_inter_peak n_inter_nonpeak n_nointer_peak n_nointer_nonpeak fisher_p odds_ratio
0 hsa-miR-615-3p 6 1 4103 5579 0.0468574 8.15842
1 hsa-miR-423-3p 14 3 4095 5577 0.000993382 6.35556
2 hsa-miR-210-3p 12 3 4097 5577 0.00652049 5.44496
3 hsa-miR-127-3p 8 2 4101 5578 0.0223117 5.44062
4 hsa-miR-1249-3p 7 2 4102 5578 0.0422105 4.75939
5 hsa-miR-423-5p 58 37 4051 5543 0.000337447 2.14491
6 hsa-miR-212-5p 116 78 3993 5502 1.02772e-06 2.0492
7 hsa-miR-296-5p 63 43 4046 5537 0.000488117 2.00503
8 hsa-miR-328-3p 53 38 4056 5542 0.00268099 1.90573
9 hsa-miR-331-3p 52 40 4057 5540 0.0077257 1.7752
10 hsa-miR-491-5p 40 32 4069 5548 0.0305094 1.70435
11 hsa-miR-223-3p 101 82 4008 5498 0.000489454 1.6896
12 hsa-miR-140-3p 256 212 3853 5368 5.24253e-08 1.68235
14 hsa-miR-143-3p 102 95 4007 5485 0.00859482 1.46972
15 hsa-miR-140-5p 94 88 4015 5492 0.0123344 1.46113
16 hsa-miR-132-3p 116 111 3993 5469 0.00798643 1.43134
19 hsa-miR-183-5p 232 240 3877 5340 0.00260642 1.33144
25 hsa-miR-142-3p 187 209 3922 5371 0.0486534 1.2253
40 hsa-miR-17-5p 231 370 3878 5210 0.045127 0.838765
49 hsa-miR-142-5p 100 206 4009 5374 0.000505664 0.65072
50 hsa-miR-221-3p 55 114 4054 5466 0.00941775 0.650495
51 hsa-miR-141-3p 116 239 3993 5341 0.000153408 0.649207
52 hsa-miR-340-5p 138 317 3971 5263 6.14614e-08 0.57697
53 hsa-miR-330-3p 241 589 3868 4991 1.28562e-16 0.527962
54 hsa-miR-186-5p 86 287 4023 5293 1.81417e-15 0.394247

Fisher test statistics of microRNA binding sites with unmerged m6A peaks and unmerged nonpeaks

All miRNA and those whose p-value less than 0.05.

In [29]:
fisher_peak_unmerge_miRNA.sort_values(by =["odds_ratio"], ascending = False)
name n_inter_peak n_inter_nonpeak n_nointer_peak n_nointer_nonpeak fisher_p odds_ratio
0 hsa-miR-615-3p 6 1 3740 5579 0.0192407 8.95027
1 hsa-miR-423-3p 12 3 3734 5577 0.00244481 5.97429
2 hsa-miR-127-3p 8 2 3738 5578 0.0184756 5.96897
3 hsa-miR-210-3p 9 3 3737 5577 0.0177819 4.47712
4 hsa-miR-1249-3p 6 2 3740 5578 0.0671696 4.47433
5 hsa-miR-212-5p 105 78 3641 5502 2.73695e-06 2.0342
6 hsa-miR-423-5p 50 37 3696 5543 0.00131234 2.02666
7 hsa-miR-296-5p 56 43 3690 5537 0.00127683 1.95419
8 hsa-miR-328-3p 47 38 3699 5542 0.00524438 1.85309
9 hsa-miR-331-3p 48 40 3698 5540 0.00628328 1.79773
10 hsa-miR-491-5p 38 32 3708 5548 0.0195254 1.77677
11 hsa-miR-140-3p 231 212 3515 5368 2.13504e-07 1.66404
12 hsa-miR-362-5p 35 33 3711 5547 0.0626074 1.58534
13 hsa-miR-223-3p 85 82 3661 5498 0.00518661 1.55672
14 hsa-miR-140-5p 90 88 3656 5492 0.00531999 1.53633
15 hsa-miR-296-3p 11 11 3735 5569 0.387099 1.49103
16 hsa-miR-652-3p 4 4 3742 5576 0.721595 1.49011
17 hsa-miR-143-3p 94 95 3652 5485 0.00853163 1.48611
18 hsa-miR-532-3p 72 81 3674 5499 0.0813331 1.33043
19 hsa-miR-132-3p 98 111 3648 5469 0.0459695 1.3236
20 hsa-miR-183-5p 207 240 3539 5340 0.00753287 1.30143
21 hsa-miR-150-5p 58 67 3688 5513 0.168231 1.29405
22 hsa-miR-486-5p 27 32 3719 5548 0.424537 1.25871
23 hsa-miR-142-3p 170 209 3576 5371 0.061144 1.22169
24 hsa-miR-22-3p 116 143 3630 5437 0.139163 1.215
25 hsa-miR-505-3p 95 117 3651 5463 0.178099 1.21495
26 hsa-miR-339-5p 35 43 3711 5537 0.417813 1.21446
27 hsa-miR-324-5p 26 32 3720 5548 0.502717 1.21176
28 hsa-miR-335-5p 44 55 3702 5525 0.410116 1.19395
29 hsa-miR-342-3p 46 58 3700 5522 0.421495 1.18365
30 hsa-miR-182-5p 204 262 3542 5318 0.109627 1.16904
31 hsa-miR-877-5p 18 23 3728 5557 0.634876 1.16657
32 hsa-miR-28-5p 34 45 3712 5535 0.645226 1.12662
33 hsa-miR-542-3p 52 72 3694 5508 0.712603 1.07688
34 hsa-miR-874-3p 74 105 3672 5475 0.758501 1.05081
35 hsa-miR-192-5p 27 42 3719 5538 0.902442 0.957285
36 hsa-miR-582-5p 76 120 3670 5460 0.713234 0.942234
37 hsa-miR-532-5p 33 53 3713 5527 0.82525 0.926835
38 hsa-miR-744-5p 8 13 3738 5567 1 0.916492
39 hsa-miR-191-5p 11 18 3735 5562 0.85201 0.91004
40 hsa-miR-21-5p 46 76 3700 5504 0.642297 0.90037
41 hsa-miR-17-5p 216 370 3530 5210 0.0980996 0.861619
42 hsa-miR-25-3p 120 216 3626 5364 0.10014 0.821842
43 hsa-miR-185-5p 59 107 3687 5473 0.231552 0.818504
44 hsa-miR-155-5p 60 116 3686 5464 0.10324 0.766741
45 hsa-miR-28-3p 15 30 3731 5550 0.365936 0.743768
46 hsa-miR-501-3p 21 42 3725 5538 0.303244 0.743356
47 hsa-miR-361-5p 30 60 3716 5520 0.196099 0.742734
48 hsa-miR-425-5p 33 66 3713 5514 0.180679 0.742526
49 hsa-miR-142-5p 95 206 3651 5374 0.00186151 0.678801
50 hsa-miR-221-3p 52 114 3694 5466 0.0203487 0.674949
51 hsa-miR-141-3p 108 239 3638 5341 0.000427701 0.663416
52 hsa-miR-340-5p 128 317 3618 5263 3.85734e-07 0.587375
53 hsa-miR-330-3p 218 589 3528 4991 4.50537e-16 0.523601
54 hsa-miR-186-5p 79 287 3667 5293 1.93643e-14 0.397316
In [30]:
fisher_peak_unmerge_miRNA[fisher_peak_unmerge_miRNA["fisher_p"] < p].sort_values(by = ["odds_ratio"], ascending = False)
name n_inter_peak n_inter_nonpeak n_nointer_peak n_nointer_nonpeak fisher_p odds_ratio
0 hsa-miR-615-3p 6 1 3740 5579 0.0192407 8.95027
1 hsa-miR-423-3p 12 3 3734 5577 0.00244481 5.97429
2 hsa-miR-127-3p 8 2 3738 5578 0.0184756 5.96897
3 hsa-miR-210-3p 9 3 3737 5577 0.0177819 4.47712
5 hsa-miR-212-5p 105 78 3641 5502 2.73695e-06 2.0342
6 hsa-miR-423-5p 50 37 3696 5543 0.00131234 2.02666
7 hsa-miR-296-5p 56 43 3690 5537 0.00127683 1.95419
8 hsa-miR-328-3p 47 38 3699 5542 0.00524438 1.85309
9 hsa-miR-331-3p 48 40 3698 5540 0.00628328 1.79773
10 hsa-miR-491-5p 38 32 3708 5548 0.0195254 1.77677
11 hsa-miR-140-3p 231 212 3515 5368 2.13504e-07 1.66404
13 hsa-miR-223-3p 85 82 3661 5498 0.00518661 1.55672
14 hsa-miR-140-5p 90 88 3656 5492 0.00531999 1.53633
17 hsa-miR-143-3p 94 95 3652 5485 0.00853163 1.48611
19 hsa-miR-132-3p 98 111 3648 5469 0.0459695 1.3236
20 hsa-miR-183-5p 207 240 3539 5340 0.00753287 1.30143
49 hsa-miR-142-5p 95 206 3651 5374 0.00186151 0.678801
50 hsa-miR-221-3p 52 114 3694 5466 0.0203487 0.674949
51 hsa-miR-141-3p 108 239 3638 5341 0.000427701 0.663416
52 hsa-miR-340-5p 128 317 3618 5263 3.85734e-07 0.587375
53 hsa-miR-330-3p 218 589 3528 4991 4.50537e-16 0.523601
54 hsa-miR-186-5p 79 287 3667 5293 1.93643e-14 0.397316

© 2018 Min Qiao at He Lab, University of Chicago

Exported from analysis/20180212_Enrichment_annalysis_m6A_peak_with_RBP_or_miRNA.ipynb committed by Min Qiao on Wed Mar 28 20:03:22 2018 revision 2, d71b8f4